
"And, as touching the Temple, I hold and profess We are Fellow Craftsmen - no more and no less"
Rudyard Kipling 


Your welcome into Blackwood Lodge will be real. All members are dedicated masons, giving of their time only as they are able. They join for many varied reasons but all subscribe to the notion that Freemasonry offers growth and friendship among stable, ethical and traditional values not generally found elsewhere.

Blackwood Masonic Lodge is a group of men of all ages who generally enjoy each others’ company and travel to Blackwood once or twice a month to participate in the time-honoured ritual and camaraderie of Freemasonry.

79% of members who have joined in the last 20 years are still financial members and 67% are active members, so we have a high retention rate which speaks to the benefits gained by the brethren.

Blackwood Lodge has the resources and the will to continue building membership and standards to engage and retain its members. Many members have celebrated over 50 years involvement.

Current internal activities include development of a Master Business Plan, including mentorship, succession planning, a care team and leadership / management direction.
External activities include charitable works, benevolence and support of the local Blackwood Community as well as supporting the state wide program of Freemasons Foundation Centre for Mens Health, established in 2007 as a joint venture with the University of Adelaide and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Values and Ethics

So, what is all this about values and ethics? Those who recognise an enduring moral order and high duties toward their fellow humans tend to find the brotherly way of Freemasonry a safe and comfortable environment.
Freemasonry is the natural home of men who recognise the enduring moral order and seek an end to narcissism and a return to traditional, faith-based "family values".​ 

Young Freemasons Network (YFN)

Young Freemasons Network (YFN) is a SA organisation which assists new and younger freemasons connect socially. Once a member of a lodge, new Freemasons can join this network to connect with more members. The Grand Lodge of SA and NT has some information here. In the Grand Lodge of South Australia and the Northern Territory, 75 per cent of its 115 new members over the past year were in the 20–30-year-old age bracket. Since then over 200 have joined up across all ages.

Famous Freemasons

Throughout history there have been, and are, many thousands of famous Freemasons, including actors, singers, politicians, astronauts, Governors, Prime Ministers, Presidents and even Royalty. In the UK, names such as Sir Winston Churchill, The Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip, King George VI, Bud Abbott (but not Costello), and in the US, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, President Truman, John Wayne, Richard Pryor, Shaquille O’Neill and Buzz Aldrin; in Australia Sir Robert Menzies, Sir John Gorton, Sir Thomas Playford, Bud Tingwell, Chips Rafferty, Sir Donald Bradman and 'Weary' Dunlop. Even Mozart was a Freemason, as was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. To just name a few. Each saw something of value in the Craft, despite wildly varying backgrounds.